In 2018, we established the Dalmatian Club of America Endowment Fund to help insure that DCAF would be able to fulfill our mission well into the future. It is a permanent restricted fund that we hope will one day grow large enough to provide more than enough income to cover all the grants we need and want to make to educate, conduct scientific health research, and provide rescue assistance to approved organizations.
Any unrestricted donation may be directed to the Endowment. Just check the box if you would like your donation to be part of the future stability of DCAF.
All Heritage Society gifts are directed to the Endowment.
The DCAF Board annually determines a percentage of all net proceeds from DCAF fundraisers for unrestricted purposes to be directed to the Endowment Fund.
Yes, I Want to Help Build a Lasting and Stable Future for DCAF's Work!