About Uric Acid: Metabolism
Several factors in addition to the elevated urate levels contribute to urate stone formation, including the concentration of the urine and the amount of time it is allowed to sit in the bladder, as well as the amount of protein, particularly in the form of purines, in the diet. Early neutering will decrease the urethral diameter and can contribute to blockage. Most Dalmatians never form stones or have a blockage, as long as a low purine diet, adequate water consumption, and necessary exercise are provided, and as long as males are not neutered before 18 months of age.
DCAF makes available the Urinary Stones in Dalmatians – Prevention and Emergency Care pamphlet that we encourage all Dalmatian owners to read and all Dalmatian breeders to provide in Puppy Packs to their buyers.
DCAF conducted a research study to try to determine the genetic reason why some Dalmatian form stones and the majority do not. We hope to continue this research in the future. You can read about that past study here.